Knights Party Press Release: Aug. 2. 2024

Vote tough on crime! On Wednesday July 31. 2024, The Washington Examiner ran this headline, “Police staffing in California hits 30-year low as voters consider tough-on-crime ballot measure.”

As Californians consider enacting weightier consequences for criminal behavior, the state is struggling to recruit police officers to enforce the law.

Police staffing in the Golden State has hit a 30-year low, according to an analysis by the Peace Officers Research Association of California, which represents more than 80,000 law enforcement officers. The report comes as a measure placing stricter penalties on crime goes on the ballot this November.

If approved by voters, Proposition 36 indicates arrests and other crackdowns on criminals by police would increase. The report warns California law enforcement agencies need more funding to boost police recruitment levels and ensure the state has adequate infrastructure to enforce the new crime measure, should it pass.

“We’ve been trying to push out more research in regards to public safety, especially with the election this year,” Brian Marvel, the president of PORAC, which supports Proposition 36, told the Los Angeles Times.

“November will be a critical time in our nation and California as crime and perception of crime is a very hot topic,” he added.

Thomas Robb, the National Director of the Knights Party of the Ku Klux Klan, based in Harrison, Arkansas spoke from his National Office, “After the overdose of George Floyd, unfortunately under the knee of a White police officer, many cities and even rural police departments ended up understaffed. Some nitwits in our government decided we didn’t need a large police presence, and they cut funding. Then, the few officers that were left were told to forget about what they learned in the Police Academy, and were told to be more ‘gentle’ and “caring’ when dealing with non-white criminals. Instead of using weapons when encountering vicious criminals, they decided it would be better if they sent in some counselor with a clipboard to see what was making this vicious criminals act the way he was. Naturally, not too many people wanted to be that counselor with a clipboard encountering low IQ violent criminals. It didn’t take long to scrap that idea. Now policemen and policewomen aren’t allowed to defend themselves let alone citizens. Who in their right mind would consider being a police officer in today’s times? If we want to lower crime rates, we need to get tough on crime. Not just on certain people or races, but for every American citizen, and invader. When these non-whites realize they are getting the same treatment and paying the same consequences as White people, crime rates will drop.”