Knights Party Press Release: Oct. 16. 2020

The Washington Free Beacon, yesterday, reported, “Ilhan Omar Funnels 70 Percent of Campaign Expenditures to Husband’s Company.”

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) funneled an additional $1.1 million to her husband’s company, bringing her total payments to the firm to $2.7 million for the election cycle, new filings show.

Omar’s campaign filings, released Thursday, show that she sent $1.1 million more to the E Street Group, a political consulting firm owned by her husband, Tim Mynett. The payments account for nearly 70 percent of the $1.6 million Omar’s campaign has disbursed between July 23 and the end of September. They have helped cover advertisements, consulting, travel expenses, and production costs. The National Legal and Policy Center had filed a complaint with the FEC noting that it was possible part of the travel expenses were being used to facilitate a romantic relationship between Omar and her husband Tim Mynett who were married in March. The Omar campaign had used Mynett’s consulting firm since 2018.

Thomas Robb, National Director of the Knights Party, based in Harrison Arkansas noted that while it is not illegal for a campaign to hire family or friends as long as they are not being paid more than fair market value, the relationship between Omar and Mynett does raise some concerns because of their contempt for America. “Omar has a deep hatred for America and has no intention of doing anything in the interest of White Christian America. She took office for her own agenda and it has nothing to do with pride in America or of its white Christian foundation.”