Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: Feb. 28. 2020

February 28, 2020 Paul Brown 0

Wednesday night Fox News relased the headline, ” Jenny Beth Martin: Court ruling against sanctuary cities and states should be followed by tough legislation.” In brief, the story says, the ruling Wednesday by a federal appeals court allowing the federal government to withhold grant money to so-called “sanctuary” states and localities that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration authorities is an important victory that will help protect the American people from dangerous illegal immigrant criminals. Martin continues later on in the story saying, “These state and local governments don’t deserve taxpayer money when their sanctuary policies endanger the public and […]

Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: Feb. 26. 2020

February 26, 2020 Paul Brown 0

On Monday February 24th, Forbes ran an article titled, “Health Insurance Mandate: The Next Hammer To Fall On Immigrants” Forbes wrote the following, The bad news keeps coming for immigrants. On January 27 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court approved an order to allow the Trump administration to proceed with the public charge rule, which will block many from immigrating to the United States. Will they soon do the same with a Nationwide injunction to bar new immigrants without healthcare? According to a National Foundation for American Policy (NFAP) analysis, the Trump administration policies are projected to reduce the annual level […]
Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: Feb. 24. 2020

February 24, 2020 Paul Brown 0

Recently, Fox News reported a California Sheriff said he would comply with ICE subpoenas requesting jail records. According to the report, ICE served the subpoenas on San Diego County Sheriff, Bill Gore, for the jail records of four Mexicans in the U.S. illegally. Gore issued a statement this past Thursday announcing that he was complying with the demands. He said, “A truly authorized federal administrative subpoena has to be honored.” The report goes on to say that similar administrative subpoenas have been issued to law enforcement agencies in Denver, Connecticut, New York City, and Oregon. As of this past Thursday, […]

Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: Feb. 22. 2020

February 22, 2020 Paul Brown 0

On Wednesday, February 19th, the news outlet Give Me Sport reported that Nike’s stance in the transgender sports debate is crushing women’s sports. The sports giant, along with 142 businesses had signed a letter of support to overturn a Tennessee bill intended to prevent biological male athletes from being able to compete against girls. The letter claims that other states will retaliate against Tennessee if it passes laws to stop biological males from competing as transgender girls. One teenage athlete who is fighting the injustice of transgender sports is Connecticut track star, Selina Soule. Soule knows from experience just how […]

Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: Feb. 19. 2020

February 19, 2020 Paul Brown 0

On Monday February 17th, MarketWatch News reported that an unnamed teacher was removed after allegedly telling a student to go back to her own country. In Chicago, a teacher was accused of telling a Hispanic student she should go back to her own country after she refused to stand for the National Anthem. The unnamed teacher has been removed pending an investigation. Students at Senn High School, on the city’s North Side, said they heard the teacher make the comment to the 17 year-old girl, who is a U.S. citizen, during a school assembly celebrating Hispanic heritage on Jan.30. The […]

Press Releases


February 17, 2020 Paul Brown 0

Thousands of patriotic Americans are having their speech censored by oppressive action of a Russian social media site. Over the weekend VK, the Russian equivalent of Facebook, began purging patriotic Christians and White Nationalists off its Social Media platform. Fearing the growth of world-wide white resistance to globalism VK, headquartered in St. Petersburg Russia, had pressure put upon them by Hate Trackers which prides itself on silencing Free Speech of white nationalists. Hate Trackers said, “The damage will be long felt and they’ll take awhile to regroup. The disruption of their communications and sending them running for the hills went […]
Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: Feb. 13. 2020

February 13, 2020 Paul Brown 0

Last night, Blavity News reported that a panel of black immigrant students were bombarded with racist questions during a Black History Month event. The Brigham Young Kennedy Center for International Studies hosted a panel featuring five black women discussing race and immigration. The audience was asked to submit questions online anonymously for the women to answer. The panelists said they noticed something was wrong when members of the audience started laughing at the questions on a screen that wasn’t viewable by the women. Some of the questions submitted included, “What is the percentage of African-Americans on food stamps?” “Why do […]

Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: Feb. 11. 2020

February 11, 2020 Paul Brown 0

On Monday February 10th, Fox News reported that in light of the recent “assassination attempts” on police officers in New York City, that New York Cities finest are now “declaring war” on Mayor Bill de Blasio. The fiery rhetoric directed at the Big Apple’s Democrat leader – Who has implemented several measures critics say are hostile to police – comes as the NYPD filed charges against suspect Robert Williams in both attacks. The Sergeants Benevolent Association said in a tweet, ” We do not respect you, DO NOT visit us in the hospitals. You sold the NYPD to the vile […]

Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: Feb. 10. 2020

February 10, 2020 Paul Brown 0

Outrage ensues when four white students win MLK Jr. Day essay contest at University of Montana. The University of Montana has very few black students because Montana has very few black people, and this demographic profile created some issues. When four white students were announced as the winners of the MLK essay contest, students and other observers claimed racism was the reason for only White students being recognized as the winners. However, the fact is white students won because only white students entered the contest. It had nothing to do with racism by the judges. Speaking from the National Office […]

Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: Feb. 6. 2020

February 6, 2020 Paul Brown 0

Following the expected acquittal of President Trump on Wednesday. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) tweeted that he has filed an ethics complaint against House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi. At the conclusion of Trumps State of the Union address on Tuesday, Pelosi tore apart Trump’s prepared speech in an act of defiance which angered Americans across the nation – including Gaetz. In what sounds like an echo of Pelosi’s own words against the President at the start of the House impeachment inquiry, Gaetz tweeted, “Her conduct was beneath the dignity of the House and a potential violation of law (18 USC 2071).” Gaetz […]