Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: May 31. 2024

May 31, 2024 Paul Brown 0

Not all hope is lost for today’s youth. On Thursday May 30. 2024, Next Impulse Sports ran this headline, “Girls refused to compete against transgender opponent.” Last month, a federal appeals court decision determined that a West Virginia law banning transgender girls and women from competing in girls and women’s sports could not be enforced, allowing a 13-year-old transgender student to compete in a middle school track and field competition. That decision led some girls to boycott the competition. According to a report from OutKick, five girls from an opposing school “stepped out” of the competition in order to protest […]

Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: May 29. 2024

May 29, 2024 Paul Brown 0

A criminal is a criminal! The New York Sun on Tuesday May 28. 2024 published this headline, “Bill, Advancing in Illinois, Would Reduce the Number of Criminals by Rebranding Some as ‘Justice-Impacted Individuals’.” In Illinois, a bill replacing “offender” with “justice-impacted individual” for participants in a state program is awaiting the signature of the state’s Democratic governor, J.B. Pritzker. The move is said to remove the stigma from criminals and help reduce prison populations, but such word games offer no comfort to victims of crime. After the Illinois Senate advanced House Bill 4409 to Mr. Pritzker last week, the Chicago […]
Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: May 27. 2024

May 27, 2024 Paul Brown 0

Paying your way, is the American way! On Saturday May 26. 2024 Fox News ran this headline, “Kevin O’Leary torches Biden student loan handout as ‘unfair’ and ‘un-American’: ‘I really really hate this’.” “Shark Tank” host and business leader Kevin O’Leary railed against the Biden administration’s latest round of student debt handouts after the White House announced it would relieve debt for more than 160,000 borrowers. “I hate this, I really, really hate this,” O’Leary said Wednesday on “The Story.” “This is a very difficult pill to swallow for people that understand when you borrow money you have to pay […]

Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: May 24. 2024

May 24, 2024 Paul Brown 0

Stop the invasion! Fox News, on Thursday May 23. 2024 published this headline, “America is in a battle and this is the enemy that’s being ignored.” Our recent trip to the Southern border at Eagle Pass, Texas, was shocking. We saw individuals casually strolling across our wide-open border. We saw a humanitarian crisis. We saw the breakdown of law and order. And above it all, we saw an invasion of our country. We also met with local officials who told us back in 2019, the border was secure, and none of these issues existed. They also told us that things […]

Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: May 22. 2024

May 22, 2024 Paul Brown 0

More lies from our Commander-in-Chief! On Monday, May 20. 2024, The Daily Caller published this headline, “Biden Falsely Tells College Grads Cops Are Killing ‘Black Men’ In The Streets. The Truth In ‘24 Is Much More Tragic.” President Joe Biden asked students at Morehouse College in Atlanta what the point of democracy is if cops are killing black men “in the street” during a Sunday commencement address, but a cursory review of police-involved shootings in 2024 showed Biden’s remarks were extremely misleading. “You started college just as George Floyd was murdered and their was a reckoning on race. It’s not […]

Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: May 20. 2024

May 20, 2024 Paul Brown 0

Lets just advertise how weak our military is! On Thursday, May 16. 2024 The Federalist published this headline “Air Force Celebrates ‘Pride Month’ Amidst ‘Worst’ Recruiting Crisis In Modern History.” As Joe Biden’s reckless foreign policy puts the world on the edge of catastrophe with conflicts already raging in Ukraine and the Middle East, the Air Force is directing its focus toward the biggest issue implicating U.S. national security: LGBT “pride.” In an under-the-radar maneuver, Marianne Malizia, the Air Force’s chief diversity officer, issued a memo Monday informing service members that the Department of the Air Force recognizes June as […]
Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: May 17. 2024

May 17, 2024 Paul Brown 0

If you thought these invaders were coming here to work, check out this headline from The Washington Times, published on Monday, May 13th., “Just 46% of new immigrants are working, census data show.” President Biden has overseen the fastest expansion of immigration — legal and illegal — in U.S. history, but less than half of the newcomers are holding jobs, according to a report released Monday. The Center for Immigration Studies, using Census Bureau numbers, calculates that 46% of immigrants who arrived over the past two years are employed. That challenges a key selling point from immigration advocates that the stream of newcomers […]

Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: May 8. 2024

May 8, 2024 Paul Brown 0

So far from God’s word. On Monday May 6th., The Washington Times ran this headline, “Powerless church tells us what we want to hear rather than what we need to hear.” “O never give me over to my own heart’s desires, nor let me follow my own imaginations!” — John Wesley There are many reasons for the modern church’s loss of its prophetic voice, politics being just one of them. As in ancient times, trying to embrace what the rest of the world is doing has diminished the power of the church to address what used to be called “sinful […]

Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: May 6. 2024

May 6, 2024 Paul Brown 0

On Friday May 3rd., The Shadow League posted this disgusting headline, ““Not A Black Woman In Sight” | Photo Of Philadelphia Eagles WAGs Sparks Social Media War On Interracial Relationships In 70 Percent Black NFL.” It’s never too late for social media to start some trouble and start playing detective. It’s the offseason, and people are thirsting for some NFL drama and seemed to have found it with a photo from 2023, where the wives and girlfriends of Philadelphia Eagles football players took a photo at a holiday gathering. Led by Jason Kelce’s wife Kylie Kelce, kicker Jake Elliott’s wife […]

Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: May 3. 2024

May 3, 2024 Paul Brown 0

This is something from the pages of George Orwell’s ‘1984’ novel! Just The News, on Monday, April 29th., published this headline, “In landmark guidance, the federal commission created to fight racial and sexual discrimination declared Monday that employers that fail to use a worker’s preferred pronoun or refuse them the chance to use the restroom of their choice will be engaging in prohibited harassment.” The U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission published the new harassment guidelines Monday after voting along partisan lines on Friday to approve them, even in the face of opposition from nearly two dozen red states. Three Democrat appointees […]