A crisis indeed! On Wednesday, June 2nd, Breitbart News posted this headline, “Texas Goverenor Greg Abbott Declares Migration Disaster.”
Texas Governor Greg Abbott has issued a disaster declaration amid the growing flood of poor economic migrants invited to the United States by President Joe Biden.
“President Biden’s open-border policies have paved the way for dangerous gangs and cartels, human traffickers, and deadly drugs like fentanyl to pour into our communities,” said the June 1 statement from Abbott’s office. The statement continued:
By declaring a state of disaster in these counties, Texas will have more resources and strategies at our disposal to protect landowners and enforce all federal and state laws to combat criminal activities stemming from the border crisis.
Speaking from his National Office, based in Harrison, Arkansas, the National Director of the Knights Party, Thomas Robb said, “The crisis isn’t just in Texas, but across our whole nation. As the border states fill up with these 3rd world immigrants, they’re pushed northward, and expand east and westward. This crisis is being promoted by the left to gain votes, and in turn, keep power. What many White people don’t understand is, just like a grocery bag, it will only hold so much before the sides split out. Well, America’s sides have begun to split. Who’s being oppressed and removed to make room for these ‘bought votes’? I’ll tell you who, White people! I’ve been called a conspiracy theorist for many years for sounding the alarm of White genocide, but this is exactly what we’re seeing within our White, Christian country right now.”