They say everything is bigger in Texas, and it looks like their intolerance of illegal immigrants is an example. The Bongino Report, on Friday, July 23rd, ran this uplifting headline, “Texas Begins Arresting Illegal Immigrants for Trespassing as Part of Gov. Greg Abbott’s Border Security Plan.”
Authorities in Texas have begun arresting illegal immigrants along the U.S.-Mexico border on trespassing charges, according to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who has blamed the Biden administration for the surge in illegal immigration and has put in motion his own border security plan to crack down on illegal crossings.
“Texas has begun arresting illegal immigrants who are trespassing in Texas or vandalizing property & fences. They are now being sent to this jail rather than being released like the Biden Admin. has been doing. We are adding more officers, National Guard & jails,” Abbott said in a tweet Thursday.
So far, at least 10 people have been jailed, with more on the way, authorities said Thursday. The detainees are being held at what had been an empty state prison in Dilley, Texas, about 100 miles north of the border city of Laredo, according to Robert Hurst, a spokesman for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
The National Director of the Knights Party, based in Harrison, Arkansas, Thomas Robb spoke out saying, “This is wonderful news. The Southern border states have been cracking down as best they can. These third world illegal immigrants are coming across the border in hordes, and causing havoc wherever their feet land. Commiting horrific crimes, bringing in drugs, and gang members are mixed in with these people as well. I’m glad that Gov. Abbott is taking a stand against these invaders because he’s absolutely correct in stating that these people are trespassing. Every state governor up to the Canadian border should be taking this stance. I read an article recently that said America is looking to have 2 million illegal immigrants cross our border in 2021. We’ve already had 1.2 million cross so far in 2021. The Southern states can’t contain this high volume of illegal immigrants, and what’s happening is, these illegal’s are are pushing North, West, and East, so the governor of every state needs to do what Gov. Abbott is doing. Of course, you know something like this will never happen in Democrat run states because they’re more than happy to welcome these illegal immigrants because they’re votes to them.”