How can you keep God out of a Christian Nation? On Monday June 24. 2024 The Associated Press published this headline, “Lawsuit challenges new Louisiana law requiring classrooms to display the Ten Commandments.”
BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Civil liberties groups filed a lawsuit Monday challenging Louisiana’s new law that requires the Ten Commandments to be displayed in every public school classroom.
Opponents of the measure, which was signed into law by Republican Gov. Jeff Landry last week, had long warned of an impending lawsuit to fight the legislation that they say is unconstitutional.
Plaintiffs in the suit include parents of Louisiana public school children, the American Civil Liberties Union, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, and the Freedom From Religion Foundation.
Under the new law, all public K-12 classrooms and state-funded universities will be required to display a poster-sized version of the Ten Commandments in “large, easily readable font” next year.
Opponents argue that the law is a violation of separation of church and state and that the display will isolate students, especially those who are not Christian. Proponents say the measure is not solely religious, but that it has historical significance. In the language of the law, the Ten Commandments are “foundational documents of our state and national government.”
The Ten Commandments has long been at the center of lawsuits across the nation.
“If a family member left you an inheritance and someone tried taking it from you, would you fight for that inheritance?”, said Thomas Robb, the National Director of the Knights Party of the Ku Klux Klan, and also Pastor of the Christian Revival Center, both located in Harrison, Arkansas. “America is an inheritance from God to His chosen people, the White race. America is ours, not the blacks, the Asians, or any other non-white race. If you answered ‘yes’ to my question as to would you fight for an inheritance that a family member left you, than you are saying that something a mere mortal left you was worth fighting for. Why then isn’t it worth fighting for something that God has given you? As far as I’m concerned, not only should the 10 Commandments be posted in every school across America, but prayer should be restored as well. If anything at all offends you as to what America is, and what America was founded as, which is, a White, Christian Nation, you’re in my country, and if you don’t like what White, Christians do, by all means, get out of my country. White people in America need to repent for turning our backs on God. If we do, and God forgives us, which he will if we all repent, nobody will have what it takes to take our inheritance from us. All through the Bible a few of God’s chosen people defeated thousands of God’s enemies. Repent now! Allow God to work through us to defeat our Godless enemies.”