Youth gone wild! On Saturday, October 26. 2024 the New York Post published this headline, “Why adults must regain control of out of control classrooms.”
I’m hearing from teachers who say that kids are getting more disrespectful. Is that for real? What’s the evidence?
As recently as 2018, 72% of teachers said that the stress of the job was worth it.
But in a June survey by the Rand Corporation, only 42% of teachers said that the stress of the job is still worth it.
The most common complaint now reported by teachers is not low pay, or nasty parents, or difficult school administrators, but students: rude, out-of-control, disrespectful students.
Teachers now report an increased unwillingness by students to obey their rules — causing many educators to reconsider their places in American classrooms.
Over the past 23 years, I have visited more than 500 schools.
“Our youth mimick what our adults do and say”, said Thomas Robb, the National Director of the Knights Party of the Ku Klux Klan, centrally based in Harrison, Arkansas, “Today’s youth are only acting out on what they see their parents do. Maybe not so much the parents, as many don’t bother having good wholesome interactions with their children, but our youth do pay attention to their peers. All kids see today on the news and on the internet is total chaos. Crime is up and apprehension of criminals is down. We see it everyday where a non-white criminal commits a heinous crime, and gets a slap on the wrist. Yes, it happens with White criminals too, but it happens more frequently with non-whites. When you see these kids acting out not only in schools, but in the streets of major cities, what race is the majority? Yes, non-white. Until our justice system starts doling out equal consequences for all races, we will continue to see anarchy among today’s youth. Crime shouldn’t be seen in different aspects. Young or old, black or White, crime is crime.”