Knights Party Press Release: Apr. 30. 2021

Anarchy, here we come! On Thursday, April 29th, Fox News ran a recurring article all across the Nation, with the headline, “More than 200 Seattle police officers quit over the last year, many citing anti-police climate.”

More than 200 Seattle police officers quit their jobs in the last year amid months of frequent anti-law enforcement, racial injustice protests and riots in the city.

Many of the officers cited an anti-police climate in the city – including in the City Council — and disagreements with police management in their reasons for moving on, leaving the department with what Police Chief Adrian Diaz called a “staffing crisis” on Tuesday.

He said 180 police officers quit last year and another 66 officers so far this year.

The National Director of the Knights Party of the Ku Klux Klan, based in Harrison, Arkansas, Thomas Robb said, “This isn’t just happening in Seattle, but all across our great Nation. The far-left used the overdose of George Floyd to start a firestorm against law and order in America, and it seems to be working out well for the push into anarchy here in our White, Christian nation. What amazes me is, too many White law-abidding citizens in America seem to be ‘ok’ with it. As long as it’s not happening in their neighborhood. But guess what? I assure you this, at the rate that we’re losing our brave men and women in blue because they’re no longer ‘allowed’ to protect and serve us law-abidding White citizens from these uneducated, uncivilized non-white savages, anarchy will sooner, more than later, reach your neighborhood if you don’t take a stand now. We’re in this position right now because it seems we, the White race, can’t stand up, stand together, and say, ‘enough’!”