Knights Party Press Release: May 4. 2021

Remember the days when our streets were safe? When ‘White Only’ signs hung in storefront windows? There may be hope for a return to those good ole days! On Saturday, May 1st, the Christian Broadcasting Network ran this headline, “White Farmers Sue Biden Admin Over Being Banned From Gov Assistance ‘Solely Due to Their Race’.”

A group of white farmers from Midwestern states are suing President Joe Biden’s administration over a financial assistance program the excludes them based “solely” on the color of their skin.

The legal team representing the farmers, the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty, state in their complaint filed this week that the Department of Agriculture’s “use of racial discrimination as a tool to end ‘systemic racism’ is … unconstitutional,” urging the court to enjoin the practice.

Thomas Robb, the National Director of the Knights Party, based in Harrison Arkansas, spoke from his office saying, “Today in America, we’re seeing a shift reminiscent to pre-civil rights era times, but it’s not being called segregation this time. Every race in the world prefers to be around it’s own kind. It’s a fact. Segregation would quell almost every problem in America if it were to be done correctly. White’s ruling over White’s, blacks over blacks, etc. Not a government showing preference over races, but each race in charge of caring for it’s own. Blacks are getting ‘black only’ preference from White America’s government, which makes it unfair. Blacks ruling over blacks would be fair, using working blacks’ tax monies to care for themselves, and the same for White people. This will never happen though, because it’s also a fact that no non-white race is capable of caring for itself without the White race. This is why it’s not called segregation today, because every White American citizen would be on board with it after all the BLM chaos we’ve seen, and the non-white races know, they’d die off without us.”