Knights Party Press Release: Dec. 2. 2024

This is no surprise. On Thursday November 28. 2024, the New York Post published this headline, “Best news of 2024: The collapse of ‘diversity, equity, inclusion’.”

DEI is a bad idea whose time came with a vengeance several years ago, but now its continued ascendancy is in doubt.

Perhaps the most important event this year outside of the presidential election is the intellectual collapse of so-called diversity, equity and inclusion, which is poisonous hokum that is finally being exposed as such.

DEI has been one of the most morally perverse and damaging fads in recent American history.

We’ve been spending an estimated $8 billion a year telling Americans in training sessions, workshops and educational material that they are, depending on their race or gender, victims or oppressors, and that the country is shot through with white supremacy.

The DEI mindset is dominant in human resources departments and on college campuses.

Common sense say that this racialist hectoring — often administered by people who brook no dissent — must be unhealthy, and, sure enough, evidence is beginning to pile up.

“This should be expected because at no place or time in history has DEI worked in a society. It caused a societal breakdown wherever it was attempted'”, said Thomas Robb, the National Director of the Knights Party of the Ku Klux Klan, based in Harrison, Arkansas. “God didn’t intend to create a diverse society. In fact, He separated the races. Nor did God create people to be equal, His chosen people, the White race, are at the forefront of His blessings, and He absolutely did not intend people to be inclusive. God gives straight forward guidance not be around certain types of people, such as Whites, His chosen people are not to mingle with non-white races. Not only that, we are certainly not to be celebrating homosexuality, pedophilia, and other Un-Godly acts. There is not one thing in the DEI agenda that aligns with Christianity, and America is a White Christian country, so why would anyone expect DEI to work in America or any other White European country?”