Both houses of Congress have unanimously passed legislation known as the Global Anti-Semitism Awareness Act. The new law requires that the State department compile an annual report and establish an office to address the issue.
The State Department at first rejected the proposal saying that it would “extend exclusive status to one religious or ethnic group.”. But the bill gained momentum after Congressman Stephen Solarz organized more than 100 notable people to sign a letter of protest.
The letter was signed by prominent Americans from across the spectrum of the religious, political, academic and entertainment worlds. In addition to former Republican vice presidential nominee Jack Kemp and former ambassador to the United Nations Jeanne Kirkpatrick, the signatories included former National Security Advisor Anthony Lake, singers Janis Ian and Peter Himmelman, comedian David Brenner, former State Department Ozick and Thane Rosenbaum, and leaders of four top Christian religious seminaries: the Union Legal Advisor Abraham Sofaer, Yale Divinity School, Drew Theological Seminary and Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary.
While anti-Semitism is viewed by many to include everything from actual violence to merely questioning the actions of the state of Israel or even the alleged historical link between modern Jews and the Biblical Israelites, we need not fear. The anti-Christ forces in these end times are making bold attempts to stop the inevitable – a Christ centered government (kingdom) on earth.
We must stay vigilant and hold high the banner of White Christian Revival. Our white brothers and sisters will come around when God is ready to open their eyes and ears. Our responsibility is to share the knowledge the Lord has seen fit to bestow upon us and not to give allegiance to the enemy by standing in awe of their supposed power.