2017 National Faith and Freedom Conference
April 28-30 in the Beautiful Ozark Mountains
Speakers include:
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Thomas Robb – Pastor of the Christian Revival Center, National Director of The Knights Party, Fighting for White Christian Revival and Sounding an alarm for over 50 years. Co-Host of White Resistance Daily Video News Show – in its 18th year. Co-Host of Wake up America – Daily Bible Study
Mrs. Rachel Pendergraft – Christian speaker, author, and activist for over 30 years – featured in numerous national and international media reports – National Organizer of The Knights Party – co-Host of White Resistance Daily Video News Show – in its 18th year. Host of White Women’s Perspective, The White Side and Co-Host of Wake up America Bible Study
Paul Fromm – Canada’s Premier spokesman for the white awakening. A retired educator, Mr. Fromm
organizes the white resistance throughout Canada emphasizing the destructive nature of non-white immigration. He is the Director of Canadian Association for Immigration Reform. He is sought out internationally as a speaker.
Pete Papaherakles – A native of Greece, Mr. Papaherakles is a correspondent for the American Free Press and brings a unique perspective to the table.
Jason Robb – Jason is an attorney in Arkansas and a long time activist for the white Christian cause. He is the host of Cross Examine and lead counsel for The Knights Party. He also Co-Hosts Wake up America – Daily Bible Study.
Tom Bowie – Former presidential candidate for the American Freedom Party, Marine, former member of the Maryland Defense Force under the Maryland Military Department, founder of a State Tactical And Response)Team trained to respond rapidly and assist local and state authorities in any emergency. You will enjoy Mr. Bowie’s viewpoints regarding the white rights cause and current political struggles.
Steve Kukla – Steve is an author, entertainer, and Christian evangelist with a deep love for Jesus Christ and our people.
Brendon Werner – A native of South Africa who witnessed first hand the carnage of black mob rule and the terror that many white families have suffered from. With a background in the medical field, Mr. Werner now is on staff with The Knights Party.
Plan Now for a Time of: • fellowship • instruction • motivation • FUN
Lots of Youth Activities
• Kids (ages 4-12) classes – Bible / American history / craft classes at The Kids Corner – and a nature hike. Kids will earn and be presented awards Saturday night. They’ll have fun learning and playing. We’ll sing and have snacks too – during meal breaks the kids can rejoin you to eat – there is also a very small nursery in the main meeting hall within hearing ability of the speakers and meeting – for the convenience of those with infants or toddlers)
• Entertainment by various performers throughout the weekend including the lovely Charity and Shelby of the Heritage Connection and the Gospel Music of Steve and Bonnie
• Tips, suggestions, guidelines, information on various topics of a patriotic nature
• Souvenirs – a large variety of Christian, Confederate, nationalist items to purchase – everything from t-shirts / books / DVD’s / and more
And more Info
• Location will be at the SOTC Bible Camp in the beautiful Ozarks near Harrison, Arkansas-just a few miles south of famous Branson, Missouri.
• Stay at the camp ground for the whole weekend. You can pitch a tent or park an RV, however there are no hookups. There is a men’s and women’s bunkhouse – $10 per night – Please call 870-427-3414 to register for a bunk. We have men’s and women’s showers. There are motels in town (about 15 miles) where you can stay also. Check out www.harrisonarkansas.org for area motel info.
• SOTC Bible camp is 100 acres – 15 groomed / Conference will be held in the White Christian Revival Center.
• In between speakers enjoy a friendly game of pool or relax outside on the large commons area.
Conference Rules: Guests are expected to conduct themselves with Christian behavior. Those who violate camp rules will be expelled.
• Meals will be available. Meals will be moderately priced and will be available throughout the weekend.
• What to wear? Attendees to the conference should dress in casual business attire.
• Cost: Suggested donation is $55 for adults 18 and over. Family rate is $90.
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Cal 870-427-3414 For More Information or Email at NationalOffice@TheKnightsParty.com