Knights Party Press Release: Sept. 16. 2019

Williams College’s Anti-White Actions are Offensive

Williams College, a private liberal arts college in Williamstown, Massachusetts has announced that an event planned for November, “New Voices in Science and Technology Studies: A C3 Symposium,” will specifically feature only non-whites. The Knights Party National Director Thomas Robb said on Monday that this is indicative of the anti-white culture that is prevalent on college campuses nationwide. Jason Robb, who serves as legal counsel for The Knights also noted that it was the height of hypocrisy for college leaders to advertise the inclusivity of the event, while at the same time specifying that scholars invited to present papers were to be either “African Americans, Alaska Natives, Arab Americans, Asian Americans, Latinx, Native Americans, Native Hawaiians, and other Pacific Islanders.” White men and white women are deemed unacceptable. While event coordinators do not object to white students attending the symposium, it is apparent the college does not care about their access to white scholars of science and technology and this is offensive.