Yesterday morning, Tuesday February 4th, in New York City, the largest police union declared a “public safety emergency” in the face of the spiraling crime figures.
New York City Police Benevolent Association President, Patrick Lynch said, “It is now clear that we have a public safety emergency in New York City.”
Lynch added, “New Yorkers need to reject Mayor Bill de Blasio’s easy excuses.” “Bail reform is not the only problem here.” “The double digit increases in shootings, robberies, burglary, and thefts are the result of failed leadership and a political culture that denigrates and devalues the work police officers do.”
Lynch went on to say, “This is what happens when our city leaders sit silent or issue weak, belated statements when the mob in the street chants for “dead cops”.”
Thomas Robb, National Director of the Knights Party based in Harrison Arkansas said, “This kind of lawlessness will spread throughout America as long as our Law Enforcement Officers have to be afraid of repercussions for doing their jobs . . .Many officers are afraid of being sued or losing their jobs if some “minority” group claim their actions as a law enforcement officer was motivated by racism.”
Robb also said, “Today’s society is brought up to disrespect any kind of authority, so this kind of lawlessness has to be expected.”
Robb concluded, “No society will survive long without law and order.” “Lawlessness has to be dealt with, there has to be consequences for our actions.”