On Wednesday May 13th, an online news source in Pennsylvania, PennLive.com, ran the headline,”Please don’t misgender me’: Reporter calls Pa. health secretary ‘sir’ multiple times during interview.”
A Pittsburgh radio station is again under scrutiny after one of its reporters called Department of Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine, a transgender woman, “sir” at least three times during a Tuesday press call.
The incident happened while KDKA-AM personality Marty Griffin was asking a question about what the state’s “end game” is for reopening after the coronavirus, according to the Pennsyvania Capital- Star.
A Pittsburgh City Paper transcript shows Griffin called Levine “sir” in both his initial question and follow-up, leading her to tell him “please don’t misgender me,” and that it was “really insulting.”
Griffin later apologized on Twitter and said distractions caused him to use the wrong pronouns.
Speaking from the National Office of the Knights Party based in Harrison Arkansas, National Director Thomas Robb said, “Sodomites across America are demanding respect for their sin of homosexuality. You can brand yourself whatever you like, transexual, bisexual, and every new term out there, but the fact remains, you are a homosexual and disgusting in God’s eyes and the eyes of any true Christian. This “thing” can put on a dress, but your chromosomes remain male. This radio host should feel no shame at all addressing “it” as sir.” Wait until God addresses this Sodomite. It won’t be with respect, I assure you of that.”