On Thursday, January 14th, The Daily Wire reported, “AOC Says She Almost Died During Riot, Declines To Give Details; Suggests Conspiracy Involving Police.”
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) claimed during an Instagram Live video this week that she had a close encounter with death during the riot last week at the U.S. Capitol Building, but declined to give any details on the alleged incident due to what she described as “security concerns.”
Cortez said, “As for myself, I had a pretty traumatizing event happen to me and I do not know if I can even disclose the full details of that event due to security concerns, but I can tell you that I had a very close encounter where I thought I was going to die .”
Thomas Robb, the National Director of the Knights Party, based in Harrison Arkansas said, “Isn’t it funny that within the week since the ‘peaceful’ protest at Capitol Hill, and I say ‘peaceful’ with tongue-in-cheek, because it was, by mainstream media standards, according to their own reporting of the BLM and Antifa protests all summer long, but not a word from Cortez about this until the therory started that somehow the Capitol Police were involved in some way? This shows the anti-police rhethoric of these far-left democrats. They’ll bash law enforcement any chance they get. Even the ones in charge of protecting them!”