On Monday, January 18th, The Blaze ran the headline, “I did nothing wrong’: Mom punched at DC rally is now out of a job, and fearful she can’t get one.”
She went viral after her teenage daughter outed and shamed her on social media.
Trump supporter Therese Duke was left bruised and bleeding after being punched in the face at a rally in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 5. Since then, footage of the ordeal went viral — partially thanks to her own daughter outing her on social media — and now the Massachusetts mom is out of job.
Duke told the Boston Herald this week that she “did nothing wrong,” and fears the attention over the ordeal will keep her from regaining employment elsewhere.
Thomas Robb, the National Director of the Knights Party of the Ku Klux Klan, based in Harrison Arkansas said, “Social Media isn’t always a good thing. It provides us a means to spread our message of a love of our God, and a love for our people, but many don’t realize that our enemies are watching our every move on social media. They lay in wait. Posting hateful and violent things will never end well. Everyone plastered their plans to protest this crooked election at the Capitol, and our enemies used this against us. The BLM and Antifa agitators saw this, and used it as a chance to set up good, white, normally law-abiding citizens. And it worked! Hopefully this will be a lesson to all white nationalist organizations to be more careful as to what you use social media for. Remember, our enemies are watching, and very good at what they do. We just have to remain better!”