A win against the LGBTQ agenda in America was reported by The Daily Signal, on Wednesday, June 9th, with this headline, “Parents Praise Teacher Suspended for Saying He Won’t Use Transgender Pronouns.”
Parents in an affluent Virginia county continue to rally around an elementary school gym teacher who was suspended for saying he wouldn’t call children who identify as transgender by their new preferred names and pronouns.
Byron “Tanner” Cross, whom a judge ordered reinstated Tuesday, had spoken against proposed changes in policy during a portion of a Loudoun County School Board meeting reserved for public comment.
Thomas Robb, the National Director of the Knights Party of the Ku Klux Klan, based in Harrison, Arkansas, spoke out saying, “Like most leftist promoted agenda’s in America, the LGBTQ agenda is over promoted, and puffed up to appear like this huge sweeping, normal ‘fad’. It is not. There are far more White, Christian’s here in America than there are Sodomites. Is homosexuality a problem in America? Absolutely. But it’s not as popular as the leftists and mainstream media make it appear. Headlines like this give me a glimmer of hope in having a cleansing of our people, a cleansing of our nation. A nationwide, White Christian Revival!”