A fair warning to watch your step comes with this article from The Gateway Pundit, that was published on Wednesday, February 13th., headlined, “GOVERNMENT ENTRAPMENT : Proud Boys Set Up! Love Interest Sent Enrique Tarrio Incriminating “1776 Returns” Document at the Behest of FBI-DOJ Before January 6! : NEW INFORMATION REVEALS DOCUMENT WAS AUTHORIZED BY US GOVERNMENT ITSELF!”
According to a Motion submitted this past Friday by a Proud Boys attorney, it appears the Government itself is the author of the mysterious “1776 Returns”. The 1776 Returns is the title of a document that outlined strategic plans for the takeover of US government buildings on January 6, 2021.
The mysterious document was sent unsolicited to Tarrio’s Telegram immediately prior to January 6th by a “love interest” named Erika Flores.
It has been revealed that Flores reportedly testified to the January 6th Committee that A GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL was the author of the entirety of the “1776 Returns” and that this FBI and CIA member or associate asked her to share it with Tarrio!
According to the Motion by attorney Roger Roots:
“It appears that the government itself is the author of the most incriminating and damning document in this case, which was mysteriously sent at government request to Proud Boy leader Enrique Tarrio immediately prior to January 6 in order to frame or implicate Tarrio in a government- created scheme to storm buildings around the Capitol.
Thomas Robb, the National Director of the Knights Party of the Ku Klux Klan, centrally located in Harrison, Arkansas spoke on Tuesday with this warning, “While I don’t know much about the Proud Boys, I do know it’s not a White Nationalist organization because there are non-white members within the group. Apparently though, they see the same things happening in America as organizations like the Knights Party see. That being said, I instill into our members to be very cautious about things they say, and do. Entrapement and ‘set-ups’ are not a new tool that our government uses against proud, White, Christian citizens. They’ve done this for a very long time. There is no organization in America that has held more Nationwide rallies than the Knights Party. We haven’t done public demonstrations for quite some time now, just for this very reason. The enemies of our race fear noone else like they do the Knights Party, because we are level-headed, intelligent, and non-violent. We have a goal of political power, and our enemies realize we are a force to be reckoned with. Our enemies would like nothing better than to eliminate the threat we pose. The January 6th., so-called insurrection is a perfect example of why we no longer rally. A simple protest over the stolen election, at the government’s orchestration, imprisioned many proud, White, Christian citizens. The Knights Party’s belief is that we will never reach our goal of political power if each time we do a public demonstration, we lose a few members to government orchestrated ‘insurrections’.