It seems that our Border Patrol is the new welcome wagon for 3rd World deplorables. On Monday, July 3rd., The Blaze published this headline, “Border Patrol agent cuts razor wire installed by Texas to deter illegal crossings– then allows migrants to enter private property.”
A video shared by a Fox News national correspondent on Friday appears to show a Border Patrol agent cutting through razor wire installed by the Texas Department of Public Safety to deter illegal immigration. The video then captures the agent holding the wire out of the way as several migrants walk through the opening and onto private property.
Bill Melugin, a Los Angeles-based national correspondent for Fox News, shared the video on Twitter.
According to Melugin, the footage was captured on private property in Eagle Pass, where the owner gave Texas DPS permission to install razor wire to reduce illegal crossings.
Texas DPS told Melugin that this is the first time it is aware that federal Border Patrol agents have tampered with its installed deterrents. The agency also stated that it plans to investigate the “potential destruction of TX property.”
“This reminds me of how the Capitol Police opened the doors to the Capitol for protesters on January 6th., only the protesters were hunted down and imprisoned.” said Thomas Robb, the National Director of the Knights Party of the Ku Klux Klan, centrally based in Harrison, Arkansas. “I wonder how much of an investigation will take place, and if the officers that cut the fence and allowed the illegals to walk in, will they be charged? This is no less than what the cartels do, and these officers are supposed to protect us from such entries! I’m called a Conspiracy Theorist everytime I mention White Genocide, but as the years go by, I hear that less often. When White Americans read articles like this, I think that they’re beginning to realize that I’m not the crazy old racist that I’m accused of being”.