Knights Party Press Release: Jan. 15. 2024

Recently, News Nation Now published this headline, “DOJ statement of interest: Gender dysphoria falls under ADA“.

(NewsNation) — The Department of Justice on Monday filed a statement of interest stating that gender dysphoria falls within the Americans with Disabilities Act’s definition of “disability” and that correctional institutions cannot deny medically appropriate care for people with this condition.

“People with gender dysphoria should be able to seek the full protections of the Americans with Disabilities Act, just like other people with disabilities,” Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division said in a statement. “The U.S. Constitution requires that people incarcerated in jails and prisons receive necessary medical care, treatment and services to address serious medical conditions.”

The Justice Department filed this statement as part of a lawsuit brought in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia against the state’s Department of Corrections. Also named in the lawsuit are two healthcare companies that provide medical care to inmates.

Identified as “Jane Doe” in court documents, the plaintiff said in the lawsuit she has been denied gender-affirming surgery, The Appeal writes. Although three psychiatrists and a psychologist from the Georgia Department of Corrections have determined Doe requires it, the complaint says officials are “denying her this critical, medically necessary care because of GDC’s unconstitutional ‘Blanket Ban’ on providing gender-affirming surgeries to transgender people in their custody.”

“GDC has refused to treat Ms. Doe despite her severe and overwhelming gender dysphoria, which include two castration attempts, multiple suicide attempts, and almost daily self-harm,” the lawsuit said.

” Up until 1973, homosexuality was considered a mental illness”, said Thomas Robb, the National Director of the Knights Party of the Ku Klux Klan, centrally based out of Harrison, Arkansas. “In 2024, it should still be considered a mental illness. Here, the DOJ admits that homosexuality falls under the American Disabilities Act as a disability. Mental illness isn’t a physical disabiility, so what’s left other than a mental disability? That being said, you could say that the DOJ is admitting that homosexuality is a mental illness. It certainly isn’t a physical disability. Why on Earth would anyone ‘play into’ someone elses mental illness? Do we handle a schizophrenic by telling them the voices in their heads are real? Of course not. They are given medications and other treatment to help them to realize these voices are only in their head. Why aren’t homosexuals treated the same way? Our society is expected to cater to the whims of mentally ill homosexuals to the point that we are to agree with the concept of same sex relations and same sex relationships are normal. By doing this, sane heterosexuals are the ones being treated as mentally ill. We need to treat homosexuality for the mental illness that it is. These people are a danger to society, especially to young children. They should be locked away somewhere away from society and away from America’s children.”