On Monday, February 26. 2024, The Blaze published this article, headlined, “Concealed carrier shoots crook bashing display case in Chicago jewelry store. Suspect reportedly released without charges.”
A concealed-carrying employee of a Chicago jewelry store shot a hooded male who was caught on video bashing a display case over the weekend. The suspect reportedly was released without charges.
What are the details?
Surveillance video inside the store on Jeweler’s Row in the city’s Loop area on North Wabash Avenue shows the suspect walking around for about a minute before taking off toward the entrance just before 11 a.m. Saturday, WBBM-TV reported.
The male then began to bash a glass case, after which the employee behind the counter pulled out a gun and opened fire at the suspect before he tried to get away, the station said.
It appears the employee — who is a FOID card and concealed carry license holder, WBBM said — fired two shots at the male, who quickly fell to the sidewalk just outside the store’s entrance.
Video outside the store shows the suspect getting up, beginning to run off, then stopping and turning around and going back into the store’s entrance to retrieve what appears to be a a bag of some kind.
He then runs down the sidewalk before heading up a stairwell to a train platform, WBBM said.
Police told the station a man was placed into custody a short time later and taken to a hospital for a gunshot wound, where he reportedly was stabilized.
WBBM, citing store security, said the employee who opened fire was in custody as police continued to investigate.
While the station said charges against the robbery suspect are pending, WLS-TV said the suspect as well as the concealed carrier were released without charges.
“A criminal walks into a jewelry store, smashes a display case, grabs what he can, and they’re released pending charges? He must be a non-white”, said Thomas Robb, the National Director of the Knights Party of the Ku Klux Klan, centrally based in Harrison, Arkansas. “The longer it goes in America, the less consequences there are for serious crimes. If you’re non-white. All you hear about is soaring crime rates across the country, and this is one of the reasons why. Our White, Christian people are no longer safe in our own country. Our government says we need to crack down on all this crime, yet it’s our government that facilitates the criminals. Law abiding citizens trying to protect their families, neighbors, and their property are the ones being made to look like the criminal, while many times, the real criminal walks. If our government truly wanted to decrease crime in America they could do so very easily. Enforce all laws and punishments evenly without regard to race. That won’t happen though because then that would answer the question as to why there are so many non-whites in jails and prisons. It would shed light on who is committing most of the crime in America, and it’s not White people.”