Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: July 15. 2020

July 17, 2020 Paul Brown 0

Tuesday morning, July 14th, One American News ran the headline, “Seattle Mayor Unveils Plan To Cut Police Budget By 76M.” Seattle’s mayor announced a plan to cut millions of dollars from the city’s police department. Mayor Jenny Durkan is proposing the city cut $76 million from the department’s $400 million budget. According to Durkan, the cuts would not jeopardize the region’s 9-1-1 service. This came after the city council originally voted to cut the budget nearly in half. National Director of the Knights Party, based in Harrison Arkansas, Thomas Robb, said, “I wonder how all these mayors that are anti-police, […]

Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: July 14. 2020

July 14, 2020 Paul Brown 0

Thomas Robb, the National Director of the Knights Party of the Ku Klux Klan based in Harrison Arkansas spoke out about this headline from The Daily Wire released on Sunday, July 12th. “Trump Threatens ’10 Years In Prison’ For Anyone Who Harms Federal Monuments.” President Donald Trump threatened those who might topple federal monuments with a possible 10-year prison sentence Sunday morning, in an early Twitter thread. The tweets echo the president’s executive order late last month, authorizing and encouraging federal law enforcement officials to seek the maximum penalty possible under the law for those protesters and rioters targeting monuments […]
Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: July 10. 2020

July 10, 2020 Paul Brown 0

Yesterday, July 9th, The Blaze ran the following headline, “Media outlets pounce on Trump rally, ignore BLM protests, after Tulsa official says both ‘likely contributed’ to COVID surge.” During a news conference Wednesday, Dr. Bruce Dart, the director of the Tulsa Health Department, suggested that large gatherings in the county within the past few weeks — such as President Donald Trump’s rally and protests — “more than likely contributed” to the recent spike in coronavirus cases in Tulsa County, Oklahoma. After the county reported a record-high 261 new cases on Monday and 206 on Tuesday, Dart said it was sensible […]

Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: July 9. 2020

July 9, 2020 Paul Brown 0

On Tuesday, July 7th The Daily Caller ran this headline, “Black Lives Dont Matter To Black Lives Matter.” Black Lives Matter doesn’t really care about saving or improving black lives — just look at the wave of violence that took dozens of black lives — including three children — over the Independence Day weekend, with hardly a murmur of protest from BLM leaders. The group’s own mission statement proves that its real agenda is entirely political. The statement is riddled with partisan language and expresses clear support for radical ideas — ideas that, when put into practice, destroy black lives. […]

Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: July 6. 2020

July 6, 2020 Paul Brown 0

“Black Lives Matter Runs Amok In DC On Independence Day,” was the headline Sunday morning, July 5th from The Daily Caller. Black Lives Matter protests broke out in the nation’s capital on Independence Day resulting in the highway between Washington, D.C. and Virginia being shut down. The protesters started off Independence Day by dancing and stepping on an American flag at Black Lives Matter Plaza, chanting “fuck the Fourth of July and fuck the American flag.” Later in the afternoon, a group burned an American flag outside of the White House while chanting “America was never great!” Speaking from the […]

Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: July 3. 2020

July 3, 2020 Paul Brown 0

The Blaze on Thursday, July 2nd ran the following headline, “Outrage erupts after black cop hits black woman in her face. Video shows her race-baiting him just seconds before.” In a video obtained by the Miami Herald, a black woman can be seen approaching a black police officer in one of the airport’s terminals. It is unclear what occurs before the video picks up, but the woman can be heard taunting the black officer, “You acting like you white when you really black. … What you wanna do?” The unnamed cop can be seen speaking to the woman when she […]
Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: July 1. 2020

July 1, 2020 Paul Brown 0

One America News Network on Tuesday, June 30th published this headline “Protesters rally to save statue of Teddy Roosevelt.” Protesters recently rallied around a statue of Teddy Roosevelt in hopes of saving it from removal. On Sunday, dozens of demonstrators gathered in front of the American Museum of Natural History in New York City where the figure is located. According to those in attendance, they were standing against a proposed removal of a statue of President Theodore Roosevelt from the museum’s entrance. National Director Thomas Robb, of the Knights Party of the Ku Klux Klan said, “I can’t believe how […]

Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: June 29. 2020

June 29, 2020 Paul Brown 0

Sunday morning, June 28th, the news source Townhall ran the headline, “Blacks In Harlem Reveal How They Feel About The Police.” The idea of “abolishing the police” or “defunding the police” has been floated as a solution to police brutality and racism in America. The left has latched onto this narrative, making it sound as though all of our nation’s problems can be pinpointed to this single so-called “solution.” Filmmaker Ami Horowitz took to the streets of Harlem to ask people – both black and white – what they thought of doing away with law enforcement. Not surprisingly, it was […]

Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: June 26. 2020

June 26, 2020 Paul Brown 0

Yesterday morning, June 25th, the news outlet NewsMax, posted the headline, “Sharpton: Confederate Statues Not History We Want To Salute‘.” Rev. Al Sharpton said Confederate monuments are not a part of American history that should be exalted or saluted. During a Thursday appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Sharpton told Joe Scarborough that public statues featuring Confederate soldiers are insulting to African Americans, who along with all taxpayers, are footing the bill for the upkeep of the public monuments. “One of the things that is not mentioned enough is that these statues are in public places that are maintained by people […]

Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: June 24. 2020

June 24, 2020 Paul Brown 0

HuffPost on Tuesday June 23rd ran this headline, “Confederate Flag–Waving Trump Supporter Praises KKK, Vows To Teach Hate.” A woman decked out in one of President Donald Trump’s signature “Make America Great Again” caps waved a Confederate flag at a Black Lives Matter protest in Branson, Missouri, on Sunday while she praised the Ku Klux Klan and vowed to teach hate to her grandchildren. The protesters were demonstrating outside a store called Dixie Outfitters that sells Confederate-themed merchandise. The Kansas City Star said the store is owned by Anna and Nathan Robb. Nathan Robb, the newspaper said, is the son […]