The Washington Examiner on Saturday March 21st reported, “Pennsylvania Republican Introduces Bill Requiring Permit To Purchase Ammunition.”
GOP State Rep. Thomas Murt introduced HB244, and filed the 25 page bill that says, “a person holding an ammunition purchase authorization permit issued under this section may purchase or otherwise seek the transfer of ownership of ammunition from a retailer that sells ammunition.”
The bill also says the cost of the permit will not exceed $50 and adds a tax on gun and ammunition sales.
According to, the bill would also effectively end internet ammunition sales and deliveries.
National Director of the Knights Party, based in Harrison Arkansas, Thomas Robb said, “I look for this attack on our Second Amendment right to be attempted Nationwide due to higher gun sales in light of the Coronavirus pandemic.”
Robb explained, “I believe the surge in gun sales is happening because law-abiding citizens are seeing the rise of stores being forced to close, which leaves them vulnerable to looters. It’s already happening, and once the looters have these stores emptied out, they’ll be looting, robbing, and murdering our citizens in their homes. We have the God given right to our Second Amendment and a protection of that right to bear arms to be able to protect ourselves in just these type instances. Now we’ve got these anti-gun advocates using this COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to strip us of our Second Amendment right. It’s a shame for these anti-gun advocates to take advantage of the sickness of thousands to push their agenda.”