Think your kids are safe from indoctrination in private schools? Think again! This headine, “Private School Teacher’s Nation-Wide Implementing Race-Essentialist Curricula, Trained by Black Panther“, comes from Breitbart News, and was published on Wednesday, March 9th.
Through teacher training lectures with titles like “Cultivating Anti-Racists and Activists in Kindergarten,” “Decolonizing the Minds of Second Graders,” and “The White People Way,” the nation’s leading accreditation association for private schools is instructing educators to adopt a race-essentialist and cultural Marxist curriculum for children as young as five years old.
The National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) hosts professional development conferences for teachers at schools in their network, which promote a race-based curriculum and grading system — including tips on how to avoid transparency with parents — according to a trove of footage reviewed by Breitbart News.
A homeschool advocate, and National Director of the Knights Party of the Ku Klux Klan, with his office centrally based in Harrison, Arkansas, Thomas Robb spoke saying, “I’ve spoken to many families throught America who’ve told me that they pulled their children from public schools, and placed them in private schools to keep their children safe from the constant indoctrination prevalent in America’s public education systems today. I’ve told every parent that their children’s only safe place is at home, being schooled by them. This article proves my point. Indroctrination of America’s White, Christian children is spreading like a cancer, and it’s time to end it before our youth have no identity left of who they actually are. For any parent not sure of how to begin the process of homeschooling, here’s a website to get you started, www.WhitePrideHomeSchool.com“.