Knights Party Press Release: Dec. 16. 2022

Please define ‘kid-friendly’. On Thursday, December 15th., The Federalist ran this headline, “South Dakota State University Hosted A ‘Kid-Friendly’ Drag Show And Gov. Kristi Noem Is Doing Nothing About It“.

South Dakota State University hosted a “kid-friendly” drag show, on state property and in a taxpayer-funded building, that may be illegal under the state’s “harmful to minors” legislation, yet the state’s Republican Gov. Kristi Noem has not taken any steps to rectify the situation.

Noem has failed to hold accountable the school’s governing body, the South Dakota Board of Regents, whose members Noem has the power to fire. Noem also has not called on the state’s attorney general to enforce South Dakota’s “harmful to minors” laws. Furthermore, it is a governor’s job to make policy suggestions for state lawmakers, yet she has failed to push for bills that would ensure children are protected from similar events in the future.

At the Nov. 16 event, which was orchestrated by the Gender & Sexualities Alliance student group, student organizers encouraged attendees, which presumably included children, to “Show [their] support for the drag queens by bringing $1 or $5 bills to tip.” After backlash from locals, the student organizers, university president, and local ABC-affiliate newspaper jumped to defend the lewd performance.

In a piece subtly defending the event, Dakota News Now reporter John Gaskins wrote that the event featured “age-appropriate attire, music, and behavior.” His source? One of the drag queens.

National Director of the Knights Party of the Ku Klux Klan, centrally based in Harrison, Arkansas, Thomas Robb said, “There’s nothing ‘kid-friendly’ about a public display of homosexuality. Public displays of these homosexuals, and their debauchery doesn’t belong in any White, Christian country, and it certainly doesn’t belong here in America. In 1962, all 50 States criminalized the public displays of homosexuality. It was considered a mental illness, but unfortunately, by 2003, all remaining laws were invalidated. This shows the downward spiral of our Christian society. God forbids homosexuality. It’s written in Scripture. Myself, and a majority of White, Christians in America feel that these blantant acts of homosexuality are a sin, and we don’t want this kind of activity in our White, Christian nation. Homosexuality was, and still is, a mental illness.”