Welcome to America! Drugs..Drugs..And More Drugs! Thanks Joe. On Friday December 27. 2024, The Irish Star published an article headlined, “Mexican cartels test deadly new Fentanyl on homeless and animals before flooding market.”
Mexican cartels are reportedly using homeless people and animals as test subjects in a bid to control the fentanyl drug trade, following a shortage of drug ingredients from China.
A recent report reveals that impoverished individuals in Culiacán, along with animals such as rabbits and chickens, are being used by the Sinaloa cartel for testing purposes, reports the Daily Star.
Gang members are enticing vulnerable people with offers of just $30 to trial dangerous experimental fentanyl formulas, often resulting in severe reactions or death. In makeshift “labs,” the gangs create mixtures with experimental additives like animal tranquilizers such as xylazine, aiming to produce a potent product.
Animals are injected to measure a drug’s strength using arbitrary conclusions–if a hen or rabbit survives longer than 90 seconds, the batch is considered weak, according to the New York Times. Experts have warned that such experimentation will only exacerbate addiction issues or result in fatalities
It is estimated that between 50,000 and 60,000 Americans will die from synthetic opioid overdoses this year, most from consuming fentanyl or similar drugs. Previously, Mexican president Claudia Sheinbaum dismissed the need for American intervention to tackle the cartels, in response to President Donald Trump’s proposal to send troops to Mexico.
“Many White Americans fall prey to the enticement of illegal drug use because our government shows no sign of their so called ‘War on Drugs’. Actually, our government pushes drugs on Americans. Legal and illegal ones.”, said Thomas Robb, the National Director of the Knights Party of the Ku Klux Klan, based in Harrison, Arkansas. “I don’t even know why the Mainstream Media tries to push how bad the drug problem is in America when our government and Big Pharma push the use of such dangerous drugs. In America, we buy Fentanyl mostly from China to legally give Americans for pain. What happens when innocent people become addicted to it? What happens when the doctors that pushed it on someone won’t keep giving them higher doses when they become addicted? These innocent people that started out taking substances like Fentaynl prescribed and pushed by Big Pharama begin the feed their habit by purchasing these drugs on the street. I’m no doctor, but it shouldn’t take a doctor to figure out why America has such a big drug problem. Now any American can purchase Narcan in the drug store to revive someone who overdoses on opioids. I’m sorry, but this isn’t the solution. There should be a three strikes law. Anyone who overdoses the first time should be offered help. The second time, they should be forced into help. The third time a junkie overdoses, it should be on them. This may sound cruel, but if these junkies don’t want help, it shouldn’t be up to the rest of us to keep them alive. One less junkie in America is a good thing. Drug dealers can’t sell drugs to people they are responsible for killing.”