Let’s hope the right recipients are cut. Recently, Raw Story published an article headlined, “‘Slashing welfare’: GOP eyes chopping $5 trillion to pay for Trump priorities — like tax cuts.”
House Republicans are circulating a “menu” of options that Speaker Mike Johnson’s conference could chose from—reportedly a massive $5 trillion worth of federal government programs to put on the chopping block to pay for the President-elect’s promised priorities, including tax cuts and border security.
According to Politico, there is an “early list” of proposed cuts (below) that “includes changes to Medicare and ending Biden administration climate programs, along with slashing welfare and ‘reimagining’ the Affordable Care Act.” Also, in addition to suggesting cuts to Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare), “the document floats clawing back bipartisan infrastructure and Inflation Reduction Act funding.”
Politico also reports that Republicans appear to be considering cuts to “the country’s largest anti-hunger program”—or, SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program formerly known as food stamps. This would “spark massive opposition from Democrats and would also face some GOP resistance.”
There is far more, including siphoning about $2.3 trillion from Medicaid, a federal government program that has been providing critical health insurance for low-income adults and children for six decades.
The early list, published by Politico, has positive-sounding categories like “Making Medicaid Work for the Most Vulnerable,” but within that are proposals like “Medicaid Work Requirements.”
“As soon as Democrats hear about cuts to our welfare system, all you hear is ‘Oh those poor people'”, said Thomas Robb, the National Director of the Knights Party of the Ku Klux Klan, centrally based in Harrison, Arkansas. “America’s welfare system was set up to help out mostly White working families that fell on hard times, not these non- white 3rd world begging bums. Welfare was never meant to be a career. I’ll hear young people talking about where they work, and almost all the time, one will say I’m on disability. And many times, the one who says they’re on disability, you’ll see walking around town with a cigarette hanging out of their mouth walking into the closest pub. Then later coming out of that same pub rolling around on the ground in a fist fight. In my opinion, anyone collecting disability should be drug tested, including for alcohol. Some may say ‘well alcohol is legal’, or ‘marijuana is legal’, but that’s not the point. I’m sure many Americans will agree with me when I say I don’t want my hard earned tax dollars wasted on people that could be working. Listen, if you can sit on a bar stool all day long smoking my tax dollars away, then you could be doing some kind of work and be productive to society. Democrats love welfare bums because they know they will get their votes. Why not? Hey, who doesn’t think sitting around doing things you want to do sounds like fun? The problem with that is, I shouldn’t be paying for you permanent vacation!”