Knights Party Press Release: Jan. 10. 2025

Good news! On Wednesday, January 8. 2025 Belief Net ran this promising headline, “New Report Reveals that Christian Persecution is on the Rise Worldwide.”

A report released by International Christian Concern (ICC), a watchdog group that monitors persecution, is sounding the alarm on rising persecution against Christians across the globe. The Global Persecution Index 2025 found that Christians faced the greatest persecution from Islamic extremists and authoritarians. “The world is seeing an increasing push toward oppressive control over religion, particularly Christianity, as a consequence of several modern and historical factors converging. Christians face oppression in more countries than any other faith group, with significant challenges in regions like the Middle East, Africa and Asia,” Jeff King, president of ICC, said. According to King, “Approximately 300 million Christians worldwide face persecution of all types, including imprisonment, torture, and assassination.”

Nicaraguan Christians have seen an increased amount of persecution as government hostility has increased. Hindu nationalism has also increased in India, where anti-conversion laws have gone into effect and Christians face the threat of mob violence. In places like Mali, Niger and Chad, Christians face torture and death. The trend in Nicaragua is especially concerning as it has been a Christian-majority nation in the past. “Countries like Nicaragua and Venezuela, traditionally Christian-majority nations, saw a big increase in hostility toward religious groups critical of authoritarian regimes,” King said. “The targeting of religious citizens and suppression of dissenting voices marked a new and alarming trend.”

Speaking with Fox News, King described why authoritarian regimes are particularly hostile towards Christianity. “In many authoritarian states, Christianity is seen as a proxy for Western influence and values, which regimes often reject as imperialistic or destabilizing. Christianity and other faiths emphasize allegiance to a higher moral authority, which inherently challenges authoritarian regimes that demand complete loyalty to the state,” he said. Christians came first as the most targeted religious group, followed by Muslims, and then Jews.

“I notice they failed to mention America as a country where Christians are being persecuted.”, said Thomas Robb, the National Director of the Knights Party of the Ku Klux Klan, and Pastor at the Christian Revival Center both located in Harrison, Arkansas. “After all, we are a in a God-given, White, Christian country. Maybe we were left out because, dare I say it, America is a ‘White’ Christian country. If we are to believe God’s word, the Israelites spoken of in the Bible, God’s chosen people, are in fact the White race. Sure, many can call themselves Christians, when in fact, they are not. I can say I’m Santa Clause, which of course, I am not. We as God’s chosen don’t people don’t fear persecution. We actually embrace it. If we weren’t being persecuted, then the Bible was lie because in 2Timothy 3:13, Jesus says, ‘Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived’. In other words, if we are not being persecuted, we are not living a godly life in Christ. While all these other ‘Christians’ are complaining about being persecuted, God’s true people are embracing it. We know why we are being persecuted.”