In November, a transgender flag was flown over the Iowa State Capitol in Des Moines causing an ire reaction from citizens throughout the state. Republican law makers responded by presenting a bill that on Monday (Jan 17) moved from subcommittee to a full committee for consideration. It would allow only the flags of recognized governmental institutions such as national, state, county, city or school districts. In addition it also would allow the POW/Missing in Action flag.
Republican Senator Jake Chapman says he supports the bill saying there must be limits or we could face the possibility of a KKK or Nazi flag being flown above the Capitol.
Speaking out from the National Office of the Knights Party, National Director Thomas Robb applauded the move by the Republican Party as well as being amused by the possibility that a KKK flag could one day fly over the state capital of Iowa. Robb stated, “Though Jake Chapman seem concerned that a KKK flag could one day fly over the state capital, the reality is that with the continued balkanization of America caused by the prolonged flood of aliens invading our American homeland, such a day may be closer than imagined.” Robb continued by saying the “KKK certainly represents the heartland of Christian America in a much greater way than LGBTQ sexual deviants. Certainly we are aware of what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah.”