On Monday December 7th, a news source in Pennsylvania, WTAE in Pittsburgh reported, ‘Pennsylvania we have a problem:’ Gov. Wolf gives update on COVID-19.”
HARRISBURG, Pa.- If Pennsylvania residents do not take steps to slow the spread of the coronavirus, hospitals and healthcare systems will become overwhelmed, Gov. Tom Wolf warned Monday.
“Pennsylvania, we have a problem. And we have to work together to address this pandemic,” Wolf said at an afternoon news conference.
Thomas Robb, National Director of the Knights Party, based in Harrison Arkansas, said, “Pennsylvanians sure do have a problem, but it has nothing to do with COVID-19. Pennsylvania is just like every state or city with a Democratic leader. Governor Wolf is experiencing what every Democratic run state and city is experiencing. Unconstitutional lockdowns, business closures, and mask-up mandates didn’t work, and here’s your typical democrat response, ‘Pennsyvanians have a problem.’ The typical response of a tyrant, not taking responsibility for making a mistake and killing people over it. Pennsylvanians followed, like sheep, Governor Wolf’s unconstitutional orders, now it’s the citizen’s of Pennsylvania’s fault?”