Texas must not be aware of this article from The Daily Signal, posted on February 21st, titled, “The Dangers of Climate Change Activists.”
What is it about people who are successful in one field and believe that gives them credence to serve as an expert in a totally unrelated field?
Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and reportedly the fourth-richest person on the planet, now self-identifies as a climate expert, and not only an expert, but a fervent disciple of the latest religion for the non-religious, which would be “climate change.”
In a new book, “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster,” Gates takes the rhetoric to a new and hysterical level when he claims the battle against changing climate is “an all-out effort, like a world war, but it’s us against greenhouse gases.”
Thomas Robb, the National Director of the Knights Party, based in Harrison Arkansas said, “Not only must not Texas know about this “greenhouse” effect, but myself, and my family here in Harrison are unaware of this global warming taking place as well. I haven’t been able to access the Christian Revival Center in nearly two weeks because of an ice storm, my family has frozen, broken, waterlines at their homes and businessness, and we seriously have these dimwits talking about global warming? Seriously? Right now, the South West sure could use some of this so-called global warming!”