It’s time for fire and sulphur! Recently, Mediate published an article headlined, “‘There Are Only Two Genders!’ Trump Vows US Will Only Recognize Male and Female After Day One Executive Order to ‘End the Transgender Lunacy,” which contained a few things that President Elect Donald Trump plans to do on day one in the White House….
Trump spoke on Sunday afternoon just a few days before Christmas at the “AmericaFest 2024” event in Phoenix, a gathering for Trump activists put on by the Charlie Kirk’s TPUSA organization. Other speakers at the event included Steve Bannon, Tucker Carlson, Matt Gaetz, Sen. Ted Cruz, and other Trump media figures.
In his speech on Sunday, Trump made reference several times to actions he intends to take on day one of his term in office. Among those, he included an executive order to “end child sexual mutilation, get transgender out of the military and out of our elementary schools and middle schools and high schools.”
He said, as he has several times before, that his federal government will “keep men out of women’s sports” beginning on day one also. In another part of his speech he railed against women’s boxing.
He then stated that when he is in office, the official policy of the government will be “that there are only two genders, male and female.” Each of the pronouncements drew wild cheering and applause from the crowd.
With the stroke of my pen on day one, we’re going to stop the transgender lunacy.
And I will sign executive orders to end child sexual mutilation, get transgender out of the military and out of our elementary schools and middle schools and high schools.
And we will keep men out of women’s sports.
“If President Trump follows through on his promise, this will be monumental in beginning to turn America around.”, said Thomas Robb, the National Director of the Knights Party of the Ku Klux Klan, and Pastor of the Christian Revival Center, both based in Harrison, Arkansas. Pastor Robb explained, “We as a Nation will never reach the glory we once had until we return to God, and ask forgiveness of our sin of allowing this homosexual deviancy to seep into our White, Christian Nation. This isn’t the only sin against God’s law that we have tolerated, but it’s one of the two biggest. The Bible clearly states that God cannot lie, and God will not change His mind. It’s impossible for Him to do so. With this in mind, these Sodomites that claim that somehow, someway, God all of the sudden decided that homosexuality was ok, are spreading one of the biggest lies ever told. God hatred and still hates homosexuals so much that he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah over it. Look around, I would say America is pretty destroyed wouldn’t you? It’s going to get a lot worse, but we’re on our way of being totally destroyed as a White, Christian country. Homosexuality is one of the two biggest sins recorded in the Bible. The other being miscegenation. President Trump knowingly or not, if he follows through with his plan, will be working towards the elimination of at least one of those sins we have tolerated. It’s a step in the right direction, but we have a long way to go.”