Christmas T-Shirt and other Items
I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas – Tshirt Order this T-Shirt and many other items by Clicking Here
I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas – Tshirt Order this T-Shirt and many other items by Clicking Here
The Knights Party has always been on the side of law and order. As the 2007 Law and Order edition of Crusader newspaper stated, “Law and Order is important to Western Civilization and its preservation.” This newest Crusader is directed to the law enforcement community with many timely articles related to the LE community, views from former LE officers, and important information about the SPLC and ADL. Thousands of these have been printed and have been distributed throughout the summer. Call our national office at 870-427-3414 – during office hours – to ask how you can help. If you are […]
Over the weekend on February 17, approximately forty to fifty members and supporters of The Knights Party held a “Love Your Heritage” Flag Rally in honor of Valentines Day. Participants lined a large section of Hwy 62-65 North in Harrison, Arkansas; a busy road carrying visitors to Branson, Missouri. Confederate, American, Christian, and Blue Lives Matter flags waved in the breeze. Children held large pink hearts. Rachel Pendergraft, a spokesperson for the event was pleased with the turnout and the reception. “Local members and residents turning out to support our heritage and police helps to promote a positive image for […]
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DragQueens & Kids | White Resistance News
To the left is a picture from a recent visit from a French television news team. They were on hand to interview National Director Thomas Robb and National Organizer Rachel Pendergraft about the current state of white nationalism, the AltRight, and our views about white genocide. They discussed The Knights’ Party’s newspaper, The Crusader, the web news program, “White Resistance News” in production and online since 1998 and online since August 2016.
© 2018 The Knights Party