Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: May 4. 2020

May 4, 2020 Paul Brown 0

On Saturday May 2nd, Fox News ran the following headline, “Sex Offender, Sprung From California Jail Due To Coronavirus, Arrested For Indecent Exposure.” A California sex offender released from jail early due to the coronavirus crisis had been charged with exposing himself at a parole resource center, according to a report. Rudy William Grajeda Magdaleno, 39, was released from jail under a court order on April 13 after serving 71 days of a 180-day minimum sentence, Fox 11 Los Angeles reported Friday. Magdaleno and six other sex offenders were released apparently as part of the state Supreme Court’s efforts to […]

Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: May 1. 2020

May 1, 2020 Paul Brown 0

Wednesday April 29th the National Review ran the following headline “California’s Ammo Background Checks Misfire.” ‘Criminals, tyrants, and terrorists don’t do background checks,’ said the judge who blocked the law. California’s attempts to discourage gun ownership hit a bump Thursday. U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez granted a preliminary injunction that stopped the state from enforcing its background checks on ammunition purchases. The initiative, which was spearheaded by Gavin Newsom when he was the lieutenant governor, passed in 2016 with 63 percent of the vote. The background checks have failed miserably, succeeding only in preventing law-abiding citizens from buying ammunition. Between […]
Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: Apr. 29. 2020

April 29, 2020 Paul Brown 0

On Monday, April 27th, The Washington Examiner reported, “Mexico deports people in immigration holding facilities amid concerns of coronavirus spread.” Mexico has virtually emptied facilities holding illegal immigrants and deported the people out of concern they could spread the coronavirus to one another while in custody. Since March 21, the government removed migrants from its 65 migrant facilities, which held 3,759 people last month, according to Reuters. “Today, Mexico’s policy is to contain and deport,” Victor Clark Alfaro, an immigration expert at San Diego State University, told the outlet. Many of the migrants in Mexico come from “southern triangle countries,” […]

Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: Apr. 27. 2020

April 27, 2020 Paul Brown 0

Recently, The Washington Examiner reported, “Harvard Law Professor Against Home Schooling Forgets To Check Her Class Privilege.” A Harvard law professor argues that home schooling is a form of authoritarian control but believes forcing all children to go to a government-run school is not. I wish this statement was a strawman. But it is not. Elizabeth Bartholet, professor of law at Harvard University, advances this exact argument in an interview in the May-June issue of Harvard Magazine. “The issue is, do we think parents should have 24/7, essentially authoritarian control over their children from ages zero to 18? I think […]

Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: Apr. 24. 2020

April 24, 2020 Paul Brown 0

The Insider, on Thursday April 23rd, ran this headline, “A Judge in Texas says she was forced to remove a rainbow pride flag from her courtroom after a defense attorney complained.” It seems an openly gay judge in Texas says she was forced to remove a rainbow pride flag from her courtroom after a defense lawyer filed a complaint about it. Judge Rosie Speedin Gonzalez told NBC News that she was told to remove the flag, and a traditional Mexican cloth called a sarape, as well as rainbow patterned eyeglasses, a pen, and a mouse pad, after the State Commission […]

Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: Apr. 22. 2020

April 22, 2020 Paul Brown 0

Tuesday, April 21st, The Miami Herald reported, “More Than A Million Americans Won’t Get Stimulus Money Because They Married Immigrants.” The article states that more than one million Americans won’t get a coronavirus stimulus check because they’re married to immigrants who don’t have Social Security numbers. Under the CARES Act, individuals earning up to $75,000 will get $1,200, plus $500 for dependents under the age 17. But families that file taxes with an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), which the IRS gives to workers who don’t have Social Security numbers, won’t get a stimulus check unless a spouse is part […]
Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: Apr. 20. 2020

April 20, 2020 Paul Brown 0

CNN on Saturday night, April 18th, ran the headline, “Trump warns, ‘there could be a difference‘ between enforcement of social distancing at mosques vs. churches.” President Donald Trump said Saturday that there ‘could be a difference’ in how authorities enforce social distancing guidelines at mosques versus how they do at churches. This was in response to a question regarding a post by conservative author and political commentator Paul E. Sperry he retweeted today. Trump said that he spoke with both imams and rabbis but claims that “politicians treat different faiths differently.” Farhana Khera, executive director of Muslim Advocates, called Trump’s […]

Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: Apr. 17. 2020

April 17, 2020 Paul Brown 0

The Week, on Wednesday April 15th, reported, “Guatamala’s Health Minister Says At Least Half Of All Deportess From U.S. Have COVID-19.” Guatamala Health Minister Hugo Monroy on Tuesday said more than 50 percent of all depotees flown to his country from the United States have tested positive for the COVID-19 coronavirus. Monroy did not share any specific numbers on how many deportees are sick or when they returned to Guatamala, the Los Angeles Times reports, but he did say that deportees are stepping off airplanes with fevers and coughs and are receiving immidiate COVID-19 testing. Guatamala has 150 active COVID-19 […]

Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: Apr. 15. 2020

April 15, 2020 Paul Brown 0

A Monday, April 13th headline from The Washington Examiner read, “Top Sheriff: Illegal Immigrants Released Over COVID-19 Will Disappear.” One of the nation’s most influential sherriffs on illega immigration warned Monday that immigrants freed by judges concerned about the coronavirus spreading in jails will disappear after the crisis is over. Bristol County, Massachusetts Sheriff, Thomas Hodgson said, “The question many people ask is, ‘Are they going to turn themselves in after the COVID-19 incident is over’?”” “And the answer is, no, of course not,” he said. “Ironically, of my 850 detainees/inmates, we have had no COVID-19 cases since the pandemic […]

Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: Apr. 13. 2020

April 13, 2020 Paul Brown 0

On Saturday April 11th, The Blaze published an article, “Florida Judge Revokes Child Custody From Mother—Who Is An ER Doctor–Over Coronavirus.” An emergency room physician on the frontline in the fight against Coronavirus had her custody rights revoked this week over the virus. Dr. Therersa Greene, a South Florida doctor, tested negative for COVID-19 this week. But that did not stop her ex-husband, Eric Greene, from petitioning a judge to revoke shared custody of their 4 year-old daughter, who equally splits time between both parents. This week, Circuit Judge Bernard Shapiro granted the father’s request, giving him sole custody of […]