Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: July 24. 2019

July 24, 2019 Paul Brown 0

VICTORY! Venezuelan Amnesty Bill Falls Short in House . The Knights Party, based in Harrison, Arkansas, is pleased that the U.S. House of Representatives blocked passage of H.R. 549, a bill to grant Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to illegal aliens from Venezuela — on Tuesday. The Democrat House Leadership attempted to pass the bill under suspension of the rules, meaning it would bypass regular House order. In order to do this, the bill would need to receive support from at least two-thirds of the House. Although it received 268-to-154 votes in favor, it fell short of the two-thirds requirement. National […]

Press Releases

Knights Party Press Release: July 21. 2019

July 23, 2019 Paul Brown 0

Pete Buttigieg, the homosexual mayor of South Bend, Indiana, and Democratic presidential candidate stated while campaigning in Iowa that white supremacy “could be the lurking issue that ends this country.” He went on to say “We’ve had a lot challenges in this country, but the one that actually almost ended this country in the Civil War was white supremacy,” Like all the other Democrat presidential candidates, Buttigieg is decidedly anti-White. Buttigieg further pressed the accusation that under the Trump administration a climate has been created that could easily escalate into civil war. According to Buttigieg this can only be avoided […]

Plan Now: 2019 Knights Party National Congress and Family Retreat on Labor Day Weekend

July 2, 2019 Staff 0

2019 Knights Party National Congress and Family Retreat in the Beautiful Ozark Mountains – August 30-31 and Sept. 1 (Labor Day Weekend) Come for a wonderful weekend packed with patriotic speeches, music, and workshops! Meals are available at the private conference center and a delicious banquet served Saturday and Sunday evening. Children’s classes will be conducted which will include crafts and heritage lessons and they always enjoy the large playground. Attendees may enjoy a game of volley ball or the bonfire on Saturday night. Spacious and scenic grounds allow for camping.  Enjoy yourself at the nation’s only White Nationalist Family […]


Balkanization and a New America

January 8, 2019 Staff 0

For more than thirty years The Knights has been warning about the balkanization of America. Even Time Magazine in its March 2010 edition blasted about the “White Anxiety Crisis” when whites will “increasingly develop a stronger consciousness of their political interests” and “A strong white minority political consciousness is most likely to arise.”             In the book, Civil War Two, the author, Thomas Chittum, gives considerable attention to the ethnic balkanization occurring in the south and the southwest.  He suggests that by the year 2025 the southwestern states of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California will have such a high […]


DOJ Affirms Literature Distribution Legal Activity

December 10, 2018 Staff 0

In recent months, the Knights Party through its attorney, Jason Robb, of the Robb Law Firm based in Harrison, Arkansas, has sent legal opinion letters to several states throughout the Eastern Coast as a result of literature distribution being conducted not only by the Knights, but also other white patriotic organizations.  Often, cities and small towns, which we call the tiny town tyrants, will make public statements condemning the distribution and make allegations that it is unlawful and that an investigation is needed to be done.  As a result, The Knights Party through its counsel will send these legal opinion […]


Trump and the MidTerms: Reality Check

November 12, 2018 Staff 0

Thomas Robb Pundits are still questioning the election results of November. It is customary for the party in control of the White House to lose congressional and senatorial seats in the midterm election. The Democrats had been predicting a “blue wave” to sweep a multitude of Republican congressional and senatorial representatives back home. Democrats did retake control of the congress. However, the Republicans increased their control of the Senate. This is a significant win considering their power to confirm the president’s nominees for judiciary positions. Losing the House is disappointing – however – not devastating to the president’s agenda. Losing […]

MID TERMS ELECTION: Republican Wins Lead to Anti-White Intimidation by Antifa

November 12, 2018 Staff 0

The Knights Party is pleased that the midterm election brought a victory to White America.  Now, many may not consider it a victory, but traditionally, midterm elections always swung the pendulum to the other party.  And even though the Republican Party, the defacto White people party, lost the House (by a slim margin), the Republican Party won the Senate and gained some extra Senate seats.  The state-wide Senate races versus the House race demonstrated the balkanization occurring in different areas throughout the United States, and it also shows that there is an awakening of White people.  This awakening we are […]


Summer – Law Enforcement Outreach – Now Underway

July 25, 2018 Staff 0

The Knights Party has always been on the side of law and order. As the 2007 Law and Order edition of Crusader newspaper stated, “Law and Order is important to Western Civilization and its preservation.” This newest Crusader is directed to the law enforcement community with many timely articles related to the LE community, views from former LE officers, and important information about the SPLC and ADL. Thousands of these have been printed and have been distributed throughout the summer. Call our national office at 870-427-3414 – during office hours – to ask how you can help. If you are […]


The Knights Party Holds “Love Your Heritage” Flag Rally Held Over Weekend

February 17, 2018 Staff 0

Over the weekend on February 17, approximately forty to fifty members and supporters of The Knights Party held a “Love Your Heritage” Flag Rally in honor of Valentines Day. Participants lined a large section of Hwy 62-65 North in Harrison, Arkansas; a busy road carrying visitors to Branson, Missouri. Confederate, American, Christian, and Blue Lives Matter flags waved in the breeze.  Children held large pink hearts. Rachel Pendergraft, a spokesperson for the event was pleased with the turnout and the reception. “Local members and residents turning out to support our heritage and police helps to promote a positive image for […]